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Scientific and Technological Cooperation FCT/CAPES

Scientific and Technological Cooperation FCT/CAPES

It is with great satisfaction we would like to communicate that CEDU's application for FCT/CAPES funding for young investigators exchange between Brazil and Portugal has been approved. The project "Interconstitutionality: constitutional provisions in network-style and European integration in worldwide society" presented by Minho University in partnership with Paraíba's Federal University, Brasília's University and São Paulo's Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC), will allow the circulation of CEDU's young investigators during the years of 2013 and 2015, who are developing a PhD in that topic. Likewise, Minho University's Law School will receive PhD and post-PhD students from the Brazilian Universities who are our partners, for periods of up to one year. It is worth pointing out that Minho University was the only Portuguese institution to have a Law (Public Law) project approved within the scope of this programme of cooperation between Brazil and Portugal - which testifies the excellence of the investigation that Minho University Law School has been developing in the field of European Union Law.

Within this project, the following activities have been carried out:

CEDU organized workshop "Jurisprudence as a source of law in the theory of autopoietic social systems" within FCT-CAPES project

CEDU organized open classes on "Society (and the world) of world society" (Prof. Willis Guerra) and "System topic of law" (Prof. Paulo Cunha)

CEDU's Director lectured an open class within the Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Direitos Humanos, Goiás' Federal University, Goiânia/GO/Brazil, November, 13, 2014

CEDU's Director lectured an open class to the 1.st and 2.nd cycle of studies students of Uberlândia's Federal University Faculty of Law, Uberlância/MG/Brasil, 12.11.2014

CEDU's Director participated in a round table organized by Master's Degree in Law Program of the FUMEC University, Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil, 11.11.2014

CEDU's Director lectured an open class organized by Master's Degree in Law Program of the FUMEC University, Belo Horizonte/MG/Brasil, 10.11.2014

CEDU organized a workshop "Interconstitutionality and European integration: an environmental perspective" in the context of FCT-CAPES project

CEDU's Director lectures on the federalizing process in Europe at Anhembi-Morumbi University (São Paulo, Brazil)

CEDU's Director participates in the I International Congress on Financial Law (São Paulo, Brazil) organized by Paulista Society of Financial Law and São Paulo's Autonomous Faculty of Law (FADISP)

CEDU organizes workshop "Interconstitutionality: theory and hermeneutics" within the project FCT-CAPES

CEDU organized a workshop on "Interconstitutionality: citizenship and fundamental rights in times of crisis" whitin the Project FCT-CAPES

CEDU promoted Seminars under the Portuguese-Brazilian Cooperation Project

CEDU organized a workshop on "Interconstitutionality and regional integration - a lusophone perspective" within the project FCT-CAPES

Professor Alessandra Silveira and young CEDU researchers participated in Brasília University, (UnB), Federal District, Brazil, activities

Professor Alessandra Silveira (CEDU) and Professor Marcílio Franca (Paraíba Federal University) lecture in the short course "Contemporary Problems of European Constitutionalism"

CEDU's Junior researchers participated in activities in São Paulo, Brazil

CEDU's Director participated in Paulista Law School - EPD (São Paulo/SP Brazil)

CEDU'S Director participates in the celebration of the Law Degree of Rio Branco Integrated Faculties (São Paulo/SP Brazil) 10 year anniversary

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