Universidade do MinhoEscola de Direito    
  Universidade do Minho
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Joana Rita Covelo de Abreu


Ph.D in European Union Law, with the thesis' theme "The Portuguese courts and the principle of an effective legal protection in the domains of European Union Law". She is directed by Professor Alessandra Silveira. This PhD research allowed the candidate to receive a full scholarship awarded by the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology.
Assistant Professor in the Law School of the University of Minho.
Master Degree in Judiciary Law, in the Law School of the University of Minho (2011), with the final graduation of dissertation's defense of 18 values. Degree in Law in the Law School of the University of Minho, with the final graduation of 16 values. Best Student Award of University fo Minho during the 3rd year of her Law's degree course.
She published the following book in 2011: "Inconstitucionalidade por omissão e ação por incumprimento: a inércia do legislador e as suas consequências", Juruá, Portugal / Brasil, 2011.
Collaborating researcher in FIDE National Report (Questionnaire General Topic 1 - Protection of Fundamental Rights post-Lisbon: The Interaction between the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and National Constitutions), being responsible for researching Portuguese jurisprudence.
Invited Speaker in the "International Workshop «Fundamental Rights and Political Participation»", on 23rd April 2012, in the "Estabanell - Chair da University Foundation Martí L'Humà (Granollers, Barcelona)", organized by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, in partnership with the Spanish University of Distance Education (UNED, Madrid) and with the University San Juan Bautista (Lima, Peru). Her intervention's theme was "The principle of an effective legal protection in the domains of EU Law - Portuguese reality and CJEU jurisprudence", that is about to be published.
Speaker in the "PhD Traning School on International Law between Pluralism and Constitutionalism", on 28th, 29th and 30th June 2012, in the Law School of the University of Minho, organized by CEDU in the scope of COST Action 1003 - International Law between Constitutionalisation and Fragmentation: the role of law in the post-national constellation. Her intervention's theme was "National courts and the principle of an effective legal protection in European human rights' Law".
Invited Speaker in APDE's activity "Round Table", in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, under the theme "Fundamental rights' protection post-Lisbon", in January 2013.
Invited Speaker in the International Conference "Interpretação e tradução jurídicas no contexto da União Europeia: perspectivas e desafios", on 15th March 2013, organized by CEDU, in partnership with EULITA, the Instituto de Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade do Minho and BabeliUM. Her intervention's theme was "Interpretação e tradução em processo penal e a observância do princípio da tutela jurisdicional efetiva".
Invited Speaker in the Seminar "Interconstitutionality: Constitutional Provisions in Network-style within the EU-Perspectives and Challenges", on 16th May 2013, organized by the Law School of the University of Macau, with the theme "National courts and the principle of an effective legal protection in European Union".
Invited Speakerin the International Conference "Reassessing EU-Asia Pacific Relationship in the context of EU crisis", on 17th and 18th May 2013, organized by the Law School of the University of Macau, with the theme "The protection of third countries' nationals in European Union: deepening the integration process".
Invited Speaker in the Colóquio em Homenagem ao Conselheiro Cunha Rodrigues, under the theme "O papel dos tribunais na construção de uma União de Direito", on 28th May 2013, in the Law School of the University of Minho, organized by CEDU, with the theme "A tutela jurisdicional efetiva no âmbito da cooperação judiciária em matéria civil e a jurisprudência do TJUE: a cláusula de ordem pública e a revelia absoluta como causas de recusa de reconhecimento e de execução de decisões no contexto da União", no âmbito do painel em Cooperação Judiciária em Matéria Civil.

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