Summarised curricular information: Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law (assigned by European Commission), with the project: "Citizenship of rights: European citizenship as the fundamental status of nationals of the Member States". PhD in Law (Legal and Political Sciences) from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. Director of the Centre of Studies in European Union Law (CEDU) of the University of Minho. Director of the Master's Degree in EU Law of the University of Minho. Director of the UNIO - EU Law Journal (, an open access online peer-reviewed journal with a blind review system.
Areas of scientific interest (within the scope of European Union law): - Legal and political grounds of European integration: - Interconstitutionality; - Principles of European Union Law; - Fundamental rights in the European Union; - European Citizenship; - Federative systems.
Additional curricular information (within the scope of European Union law): She is the Local Coordinator of the VII International Meeting of CONPEDI [Brazilian National Council of Research and Post-Graduation in Law] "Inter-constitutionality: democracy and citizenship of rights in the world society - updating and perspectives", 7-8 September 2017, Braga/ Portugal.
She is the Scientific Coordinator of the Jean Monnet project "EU Digital Single Market as a Political Calling: Interoperability as the way forward" (2017-2019).
Member of the General Assembly Board of the ECSA - Portugal (European Community Studies Association).
She was the National Delegate of the COST Action 1003 "International Law between Constitutionalisation and Fragmentation: the role of law in the post-national constellation", coordinated by Professor Wouter Werner, VU University, Amsterdam; in this context, she organized a PhD Training School with the theme "International Law Between Pluralism and Constitutionalism" (Braga, June, 28-30, 2012).
She was the Academic Coordinator of the project "Interconstitucionalidade: normas constitucionais em rede e integração europeia na sociedade mundial" (Interconstitutionality: constitutional provisions in network-style and European integration in worldwide society), co-funded by Portuguese and Brazilian Governments (2013-2015 FCT/CAPES Scientific and Technological Cooperation), for PhD and Post-Doc researchers exchange between Brazil and Portugal, in partnership with Paraíba's Federal University, Brasília's University and São Paulo's Catholic University (PUC-SP). University of Minho was the only Portuguese institution to have a Law (Public Law) project approved within the scope of this programme.
She was the Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Action (Information and Research Activities) entitled "European Union Law and Transnationality" (2009 - 2010), following this project she is the Academic Coordinator of the Joint Cathedra "Direito da União Europeia e transnacionalidade - Cátedra UMinho/UNIVALI" (EU law and transnationality - Cathedra UMinho/UNIVALI), ensured by Professors and researchers of both institutions (University of Minho, Portugal and University of Vale do Itajaí, Brazil).
She was the Academic Coordinator of the project "Citizenship and solidarity in the EU - from the Charter of Fundamental Rights to the crisis, the state of the art", with FEDER-ON2 co-financing (and two financial partners: FAAP/São Paulo/Brazil and Sassari University/Italy), in which context was organized an international conference which had place in Braga/Portugal (May, 10 -12, 2012), which brought together around 30 Brazilian and European researchers, and was published a monography by Peter Lang Editions, Brussels/Bern/Berlin/Frankfurt am Main/New York/Oxford/Wien, 2013.
She has cooperated with UAB Study Centre on Human Rights (Autonomous University of Barcelona), especially within the scope of the Joint European Master "Law and Policies of European Integration: European Constitutional Law and Multilevel Constitutionalism", a multilingual program which results from a consortium among Montpellier 1 University (France), Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), Università Degli Studi di Milano (Italy) and Szczecin University (Poland), and after that in the scope of "Master in Public Law and Multilevel Integration Processes".
She integrates the "Grup de Recerca Consolidat Dret Constitucional Europeu" (Research Group in European Constitutional law), Comunidade Autónoma da Catalunha (Autonomous Region of Catalonia, Spain).
She lectures EU Law in "DECA Master - Diritto ed Economia per la la Cutura e l'Arte" (University degli Studi di Sassari, Italy), lecturing EU law.
Visiting Professor in the Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche/Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy, lecturing EU law subjects.
She organized, as Master of the Moot, the Braga Regional Final 2012 and 2014 of European Law Moot Court Competition.
She elaborated (with 3 experts) the institutional opinion of the UM on the Treaty of Lisbon, presented to the Portuguese Parliament.
On behalf Associação Portuguesa de Direito Europeu (APDE), she was National Rapporteur in the XXV FIDE Congress, Tallinn, 2012.
She was a member of the jury of the oral examinations at the Center for Judicial Studies (CEJ), a Portuguese school that selects and trains judges and public prosecutors as evaluator of European Union Law and Constitutional Law in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012 competitions.