Universidade do MinhoEscola de Direito    
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Sophie Perez Fernandes, CEDU's Collaborating Member, wins the 2012 Edition of the Jacques Delors Award "Best Academic Study about European Union Themes"

The Centre of European Information Jacques Delors announced that the Jacques Delors 2012' Award was attributed to the paper under the theme "A responsabilidade civil do Estado-legislador por violação do Direito da União Europeia - breves notas sobre o caso português", submitted by Sophie Perez Fernandes.

The paper will be published and the award winner will receive a pecuniary compensation of 5.000,00 euros. Sophie Perez Fernandes has a LL.M Degree in European Union Law by the Minho's University and she is also a lecturer in European Union Law of the Law School of the Minho's University. The juri deliberated that no honorable mentions should be awarded in this year's edition.
Jacques Delors 2012' Award was instituted by the Jacques Delors' Centre of European Information (CIEJD), in 1996, with the aim to encourage new unpublished papers about European Union Law, in portuguese.
The emphasis is placed on works about current issues and innovative European reality. Taking this into consideration, the concept includes masters and doctoral theses unpublished.
The prize is awarded by a jury composed of personalities of recognized prestige and national scientific merit and it is sponsored by Banco de Portugal.The prize was already announced in the following links:

- Centre of European Information Jacques Delors

- Minho's University

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