Universidade do MinhoEscola de Direito    
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct partnership by Minho, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on "The new priorities of the European Commission"

Researchers from UMinho's Centre of Studies in European Union Law (CEDU-JusGov) spoke last December 4 on the radio program "The State of the Union" (a Europe Direct partnership with Antena Minho, Correio do Minho). In addition to Alessandra Silveira, resident commentator of the said program and holder of the UMinho Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law, this edition of the program was attended by Pedro Froufe (Director of CEDU-JusGov and the Department of Public Legal Sciences of EDUM), as well as Joana Abreu (European Union law professor at EDUM and European Commission consultant for judicial cooperation).

On 1 December, the new President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen - as well as the respective College of Commissioners - took office for a five-year term. The new Commission will face a number of complex challenges such as migration, digital competitiveness or environmental protection. The new Commission sees the next five years as an opportunity for Europe to be more ambitious internally in order to take the lead globally. In this program stakeholders addressed the new political priorities of the European Commission, discussing their relevance and feasibility.

The radio program "The State of the Union" will air on the last Wednesday of each month (the November edition was exceptionally broadcasted in the first week of December, depending on the date of the swearing in of the new Commission) and aims to debate the European news. The conversation is usually moderated by Alzira Costa, coordinator of the Europe Direct Information Center of Minho, and Paulo Monteiro, director of Radio Antena Minho.

The program is broadcast via Radio Antena Minho (106.0 FM) and can be followed through the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/antenaminho/videos/2519791644763627/)  and the radio channel on YouTube  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw75_eJalkM&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR15ommgvGUCqCsFuA9dJH2YPt4FdR5GEPQj_pi3NGQ4iZqZdD3rjNXRjjk). It is also available on the Radio Antena Minho podcast (https://www.antenaminho.pt/podcasts/o-estado-da-uniao-as-novas-prioridades-da-comissao-von-der-leyer-04-dez-19/704) and Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/607yQ6huSsNFHH1IyM2CVm).

For photos and more information: https://www.facebook.com/Centro-de-Estudos-em-Direito-da-Uni%C3%A3o-EuropeiaCentre-of-Studies-in-EU-Law-245612225455625/

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