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VII CONPEDI International Meeting - Brazilian National Council for Research and Post-Graduation in Law


The Centre of Studies in European Union Law (CEDU) was invited to host, on 7 and 8 September 2017, the VII International Meeting of CONPEDI - National (Brazilian) Research and Postgraduate Council in Law. This is a non-profit organization that represents 120 Masters and PhD Programs in Law in Brazil, with about 5 thousand associated researchers. CONPEDI was created by the aforementioned Brazilian Post-graduate Programs to represent the area of ??Law with CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel), the Brazilian agency for research and higher education.

Since its creation in the late 1980s, CONPEDI has held annual congresses in Brazil that offer visibility to scientific production in the area of ??Law, from 2014 onwards it began to internationalize its activities, having held meetings in several countries of the American and European continent. For the first time this Congress will be held in Portugal and CEDU was the chosen partner for this purpose.

Taking into account CEDU's research lines the 7th CONPEDI International Meeting will focus on updating the theory of interconstitutionality, which is why the opening intervention will be given by Professor José Joaquim Gomes Canotilho.

The public notice with the rules for the submission of articles can be viewed at: http://www.conpedi.org.br/2017/02/lancado-edital-de-submissao-de-artigos-para-o-vii-encontro-internacional-do-conpedi-bragaportugal/ 

More information: http://www.conpedi.org.br/2017/02/vii-encontro-internacional-do-conpedi-em-portugal-ja-tem-data-marcada-para


Democracy and citizenship of rights in world society - update and perspectives

The theory of interconstitutionality was conceived by Portuguese doctrine to face the intricate problem i) of the articulation between constitutional norms of different sources and ii) the affirmation of constituent powers and diverse legitimacies in the European Union. But such a theory has now revealed other virtues - and these are now important to emphasize and pursue - both in defining the identity of European constitutionalism and in updating the theory of constitutionalism in general. In this sense, interconstitutionality adapts constitutionalism to the changing nature of political authority and political space, providing a model of legal-constitutional integration. The post-Brexit and post-Trump moment of indefinition that the world is now facing leads us to question the extent to which the relations between the economic, political and juridical-constitutional are now equable in terms of causes and solutions. This is the motto of the VII International Meeting of CONPEDI, based on the theory of inter-constitutionality.

Event with the High Sponsorship of His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic*

*The concession of the High Sponsorship of the Presidency of the Republic is a strict, official distinction of recognition of the scientific, social, economic or historical interest of the events and means that it has the recognition and support of the President of the Republic.

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