Universidade do MinhoEscola de Direito    
  Universidade do Minho
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct do Minho partnership, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on "The European Parliament and the European elections"

Researchers at UMinho's Centre of Studies in European Union Law (CEDU-JusGov) participated on April 24 in the radio program "O Estado da União" (a Europe Direct do Minho partnership, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho). In addition to Alessandra Silveira, a resident commentator of the program and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law at UMinho, Pedro Froufe, Director of CEDU, and Pedro Valente da Silva, Office of the European Parliament in Portugal.

The April edition covered the functioning, composition and performance of the European Parliament, as well as the impact of its decisions on citizens' daily lives. The role of the European Parliament in the process of democratization of the EU and the way in which the Parliament addresses the concerns of citizens was discussed. The ways to tackle online misinformation and hostile propaganda to the EU during the current electoral process, as well as the promotional campaign for the European elections "This time I vote" were discussed.

The radio program "The State of the Union" is aired on the last Wednesday of each month and aims to discuss the current European situation. The conversation is usually moderated by Alzira Costa, coordinator of the Europe Direct Information Center, and by Paulo Monteiro, director of Antena Minho radio station.

The program is broadcasted via Antena Minho radio (106.0 FM) and can be followed through the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/antenaminho/videos/640861603041192/) and the radio channel on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9IF0gd_MRs).

It is also available in the Antena Minho podcast (http://www.antena-minho.pt/podcast.php?p=9259), as well as iTunes (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1450272823?mt=2) and Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/607yQ6huSsNFHH1IyM2CVm).

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