Universidade do MinhoEscola de Direito    
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct do Minho partnership, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on "European Union and European Citizens"

Researchers from UMinho's Centre of Studies in European Union Law (CEDU-JusGov) intervened on March 27 on the radio program "O Estado da União" (a Europe Direct do Minho partnership, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho). In addition to Prof. Alessandra Silveira, resident commentator of this program and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law at UMinho, the March edition was attended by Prof. Pedro Froufe, Director of CEDU, and Dr. Sofia Colares Alves, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Portugal.

The March issue dealt with the so-called "vertical integration" - that is to say, between the European Union and its citizens. The guests sought to clarify how the European institutions assess citizens' priorities in the different Member States, how multi-level decision-making/governance in the European Union develops, and how citizens relate to the European institutions.

The radio program "The State of the Union" airs on the last Wednesday of each month and aims to discuss the current European situation, seeking to inform and elucidate citizens on European issues relevant to their daily lives. The conversation is usually moderated by Dr. Alzira Costa, coordinator of the Europe Direct Information Centre, and by Dr. Paulo Monteiro, director of the Antena Minho radio.

The program is broadcasted via Antena Minho radio (106.0 FM) and can be followed through the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/antenaminho/videos/851734165162165/) and the radio channel on Youtube (https: / / /youtu.be/jdLhlnABmS4).

It is also available in the Antena Minho podcast (http://www.antena-minho.pt/podcast.php?p=9143), as well as iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id1450272823? mt = 2) and Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/607yQ6huSsNFHH1IyM2CVm).

For photos and more information consult Facebook CEDU: https://www.facebook.com/245612225455625/photos/a.429594930390686/2713899031960253/

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