Universidade do MinhoEscola de Direito    
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Joana Rita Covelo Abreu's PhD Examination

The PhD examination of Dr. Joana Abreu took place on July 20, in the Sala de Atos of the Law School of University of Minho.
The theme of the PhD thesis was within the field of Legal-Public Sciences and the title was "Tribunais nacionais e tutela jurisdicional efetiva: da cooperação à integração judiciária no Contencioso da União Europeia" ( National courts  and  the right to effective legal protection: from cooperation to effective judicial cooperation). The candidate was approved by unanimous vote and received a "Very Good" mention (the highest possible classification).
The jury was presided by the Vice-Rector Graciete Dias and composed by Professor Nuno Piçarra (examiner),  Professor Alexandra Aragão (member),  Professor Alessandra Silveira (supervisor), Professor Pedro Froufe (examiner) and Professor Marco Gonçalves (member).

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