Universidade do MinhoEscola de Direito    
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CEDU's Director attends the "I Encontro Nacional de Dirigentes da OAB, IV Encontro Regional dos Advogados, I Encontro Jurídico Interinstitucional e I Encontro Regional de Docentes de Ensino Jurídico", Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Alessandra Silveira, Director of CEDU, attented the "mega reunion" which joined 3750 jurists coming from all parts of Brazil. With the goal of joining the Law schools of Uberlândia, the 13th Section of OAB/MG (Brazilian Bar Association/Minas Gerais) and the  Escola Superior de Advocacia (Superior Advocacy School) promoted the I Encontro Jurídico Interinstitucional e o I Encontro Regional de Docentes de Ensino Jurídico (I Inter-institutional Juridical Reunion and the I Regional Meeting of Legal Lecturers). The events took place on May 13 and they pre-opened the do I Encontro Nacional de Dirigentes da OAB (I National Reunion of the Heads of the Brazilian Bar AssociationI) e do IV Encontro Regional dos Advogados (IV Regional Lawyers Reunion).The participating Universities were the following: Faculdade Católica, Faculdade Esamc, Faculdade Pitágoras, Faculdade Politécnica, Faculdade Unipac, Faculdade Unitri, PUC Minas - Unidade Uberlândia, Uniube e a Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Several renowned Brazilian lawyers were present in the event including the president of the National OAB, Dr. Marcus Vinicius Furtado Coêlho, and the president of OAB/MG, Dr. Luís Cláudio da Silva Chaves.The Director of CEDU was the only Portuguese speaker that made a communication in the event. This communication was part of the panel "Constituições, nacionalidade, mundialidade e transformações" (Constitutions, nationality, worldwide topics and transformations) under the theme "Crise económica e financeira ou crise das políticas económicas e financeiras na União Europeia? Causas e soluções da crise numa perspetiva jurídico-constitucional" (Economical and finantial crisis or crisis of the economic and financial policies of the European Union policies?).

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