Universidade do MinhoEscola de Direito    
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CEDU's Director writes an article for Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias (issue April 29 - May 12)

Several weeks after the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, especially the one perpetrated at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, Votaire's "Treatise on Tolerance" was the best-selling book in France. It is very surprising but to a certain extent explicable by the focus that the themes related to tolerance recently achieved. Also for this reason, the Portuguese re-edition of this book (Relógio  d'Água) was recently published and the Jornal de Letras (issue April 29 - May 12) devoted some pages to the subject with texts by four Professors specialized in this subject: Diogo Pires Aurélio (Professor of Philosophy in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Alessandra Silveira (Professor of European Union Law in the University of Minho), João Maria André (Professor de Philosophy in the University of Coimbra) e José Gil ( Philosopher and essayist in France and Portugal).
The Director of the CEDU wrote an essay named  "Tolerância - um valor identitário da Europa" (Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias, ano XXXV, n.º 1163), - Tolerance - an European identity value - in which she explains that tolerance, within the context described by Voltaire, was a "pre-juridical" state of acceptance and recognition of the Other - she also analyzes the current meaning of the value of tolerance (recognized by article 2 of the Treaty of European Union) which, in parallel with pluralism and non-discrimination (and others), corresponds to the axiological common basis where the European construction is founded.

Text available here: Um Valor Identitário para a Europa.pdf

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