Universidade do MinhoEscola de Direito    
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CEDU organized a seminar on "The jurisprudential (re)building of European law under the light of law critics" for UNIVALI Master's degree students in double degree

The Master's Degree in European Union Law is receiving Master's degree students from Vale do Itajaí University - UNIVALI (Santa Catarina - Brazil) in a double degree regime. The group is composed by judicial magistrates, according to the protocol which has been celebrated between the referred University and Santa Catarina State Court of Justice.

In this context, beside several specific activities, CEDU organized a group of seminars (12 hours) lectured by the Brazilian Professor Luiz Fernando Coelho, under the subject "The jurisprudential (re)building of European law under the light of law critics".

Luiz Fernando Coelho is Law Philosophy Lecturer, his regency has been in Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC/PR), Paraná's Federal University (UFPR) and Santa Catarina Federal University (UFSC). At the moment, he lectures Juridical Hermeneutics at Paranaense University (Unipar) and Juridical Logic at Curitiba International University (Facinter). His research culminated in the law critical theory - innovative conception which launched the basis for a renewal movement in the Brazilian jus-philosophy between the decades of 1980 an 1990 of the XX century.

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