Universidade do MinhoEscola de Direito    
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CEDU's Members collaborated in Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation (FFMS) "Direitos e Deveres de Cidadania" portal

On 15 May 2014 the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation "Direitos e Deveres de Cidadania" portal was launched. Some of CEDU's members, coordinated by Igreja Matos and Alessandra Silveira (CEDU's Director), colaborated by creating and answering questions on Civil Law, namely Filipa Fernandes, Pedro Cruz, Gabriela Cardoso Faria, Maria José Gomes, Joana Dias, Joana Abreu, Sandra Carvalho and Joana Whyte - also Daniela Guimarães, Daniela Cardoso and Adriana Moças.
The aim of this portal is to inform the citizens of their rights and duties towards society, in the relationship between citizens and towards the public authorities. It's a citizenship portal with the intention that every question raised has a citizenship resonance.

Through the portal citizens acquire important information for a better comprehension of the law, court decisions' and administrative authorities.
However, FFMS alerts for the need of professional advice in certain cases. The portal does not replace that support, its only aim is to contribute for a better knowledge of the legal system in a modern citizenship perspective.

With almost a thousand questions and answers the portal is organized in nine big subjects and almost one hundred subjects simplifying where to place the issue in question. From the portal's questions and its answers it was also produced a series of 65 television episodes of one minute which are going to go on air daily in SIC News and weekly in SIC.


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