Universidade do MinhoEscola de Direito    
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EULITA Conference

Legal interpretation and translation in the European Union context: perspectives and challanges
- International Conference -

On 15th March 2013 University of Minho Law Scholl held the international conference "Juridical interpretation and translation in the European Union context: perspectives and challanges".

This meeting had international importance in the areas of juridical interpretation and translation and it came to life from a joint iniciative of BABELIUM (Centre of Languages of Minho's University) and CEDU (Centre of Studies in European Union Law). It was related to numerous european scientific meetings named TRAFUT (Training for the Future), in the intervention scope of EULITA (European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association).

Having in mind Directive 2010/64/UE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20th October 2010 (on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings), and Directive 2012/29/UE of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 25th October 2012 (on establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime), and the conexion between Law and Languages, this initiative intents to focus the debate in the portuguese context and to constitute a reflection and a dialogue in the major questions evoked that are so useful to a scenario of rule of Law, especially to the new scene of an "Union lf Law".

There was simultaneous translation.

To access the programe of the activity (in portuguese): EULITA - cartaz.pdf

To read the guest's participations:

- Liese Katschinka, EULITA's President:Directive-Braga_Liese Katschinka.pdf

- Erik Hertog, Professor Emeritus, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven-Lessius: please click here http://www.babelium.uminho.pt/eulita.php

- Madalena Paumier-Bianco, Representative of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Translation :Madalena Paumier-Bianco.pdf

- Sophie Perez Fernandes, CEDU's Researcher, PhD researcher in EU Law:Sophie Fernandes - O TJUE - uma jurisdição multilingue.pdf

- Joana Rita Abreu, CEDU's Researcher, PhD researcher in EU Law: EULITA - Joana Covelo de Abreu - Tutela jurisdicional efetiva e a interpretação e tradução em PP.pdf:

- Joana Whyte, CEDU's Researcher, Master in EU Law: EULITA - Joana Whyte - texto final.pdf

- Carlos Marinho, Lisbon's Court of Appeal Judge: O verbo e o Espaço Europeu de justiça - Carlos M G M Marinho.pdf  

Patrícia Roman, Interpreter/ translator, AIIC - Associação Internacional dos Intérpretes de Conferência:EULITA-15mar13-Perspectivas&Desafios-PatriciaROMAN-final.pdf

- António Rodrigues, Vice President of PSD's Parlamentar Group, in charge for European and Foreign Affairs: EULITA - intervenção António Rodrigues.pdf

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