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II Coloquium on Interconstitutionality

  "Interjusfundamentalidade, Internormatividade, Interjurisdicionalidade"
(II Coloquium on Interconstitutionality)

Under the Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law, the Center for Studies in European Union Law (CEDU) of the University of Minho promotes the colloquium "Interjusfundamentalidade, Internormatividade, Interjurisdicionalidade". The workshop was the result of a partnership with researchers from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), who associated themselves with CEDU researchers for a transatlantic dialogue on the virtualities of the theory of interconstitutionality - Definition of the identity of European constitutionalism, or in updating the theory of constitutionalism in general.

Topics to be discussed:
* Interjusfundamentalidade: rules of fundamental rights in network and implications in the legal-constitutional integration;
* Internormatividade: interaction between infraconstitutional norms and implications in the legal market dynamics;
* Interjurisdicionalidade: interaction between jurisdictional orders and implications for effective judicial protection.
The contributions presented in this Colloquium will be published in an e-book

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