Summarised curricular information: LL.M. European Economic Law, Europa Institut, Germany. Bachelor in Law and Biology, University of Minho, Portugal. Teaches the unit "Fundamental Freedoms and the EU Internal Market" comprised in the syllabus of the programme "Master of Laws (LL.M) in European and Transglobal Business Law", held at the School of Law of the University of Minho. EFSA - European Food Safety Authority (European and international cooperation; Advisory Forum and Focal Points) European Commission (DG SANTE: regulation of the market of medicinal products for human use) Ministery of Health, Portugal - North Regional Health services
Areas of scientific interest (within the scope of European Union law): - Internal Market, Regulation and Fundamental Freedoms, namely free movement of people and EU citizenship; - Competition Law; - Economic and Monetary Union; - Administrative EU Law.