Summarised curricular information: PhD Candidate in Legal Sciences at the Law School of the University of Minho, with a research grant funded by CAPES; Master's degree in Human Rights from the Law School of the University of Minho; Master's degree in Philosophy, PG Diploma in Company Law and Bachelor?s degree in Law from the Federal University of Uberlândia; She was a lecturer in Law at both the Federal University of Uberlândia and at the Polytechnic Faculty of Uberlândia; She was an attorney at law of the Secretary for Social Defense of Minas Gerais - Brazil.
Areas of scientific interest (within the scope of European Union law): - EU legal harmonization; - The role of the CJEU in EU integration; - EU Constitutionalism; - Principles of EU Law; - Fundamental rights in the EU; - EU citizenship.
Additional curricular information (within the scope of European Union law): Member at the Mediterranea International Center for Human Rights Research of the Mediterrenea University of Reggio Calabria, being involved currently in the coordination of a research group within the project named: "Multilevel protection of Human Rights in Europe and in Latin America", in partnership with other more 24 European and Latin-American Universities.
She was a guest-lecturer at the Summer Course "El Derecho Iberico y su influencia en America Latina", which took place at the University of Saniago de Compostela, where she gave a lecture on "The interconstitutionality of the European Union and its influence in South America" (2016).
She was a Ph.D. Visiting Student at the Legal Sciences Department of the University of Verona, having carried out her research at the European Documentation Centre of Verona (2016-2017).
She was a Visiting Researcher at the International and EU Law Department of the Law Faculty of the University of Santiago de Compostela (2015).
She was a junior researcher in the Luso-Brazilian cooperation project entitled" "Interconstitutionality: constitutional provisions in network-style and European integration in worldwide society, funded both by FCT and CAPES (2013-2015).
She was a research fellow at the Center for Humanistic Studies (CEHUM) of the University of Minho in the research project entitled: "Redefining Democracy for the XXI Century" (funded by FCT), where were developed and presented communications related to themes on democracy and EU citizenship (2012).
She was awarded the prize for best work presented at the Congress "Challenges for the European Union", held at the University of Coimbra by the European Law and Economics Association - ADEE (2012).
She received an honorable mention in the European Prize Prof. Antonio de Sousa Franco, in the research category for the year 2014, due to her work on: "The process of European constitutionalization and democratization (or the legal and political legitimacy of the European Union)".
She took part in the EU Law Courses organized by the Academy of European Law of the European University Institute, in the years 2015 and 2017.
She has been presenting and publishing papers on topics related to European Union themes in various scientific events held in Portugal and abroad.