Member of Comission Board of Minho University's Centre of Studies in European Union Law (CEDU). PhD in Public Law, Minho University, 2010 (Specialization area: European integration/European Competition Law). Professor at Minho University Law School, lecturing European Law and European Competition Law. Master in Integration Law, by Coimbra University Law Faculty, Portugal, and D.E.A. (Droit de l'Économie) - Dijon / Bourgogne University, France. Degree in Law (Portuguese Catholic University - Oporto/Portugal, 1987). In 2012, he was elected as substitute member of Conselho Superior da Magistratura, Lisbon, Portugal. Also in 2012, he was elected member of the UTRAT - Unidade Técnica para a Reorganização do Território, of the Portuguese Parliament, Lisbon, Portugal. Lawyer. Former legal advisor of Credit Institutions, such as Pastor - Servicios Financieros (e.f.c.), S.A. - Branch in Portugal. He was responsible by the Jean Monnet Action (1996-1998). Grant holder of the French Education's Ministry, 1988/1989. He was Lauréat of the Altiero Spinelli's Simulated Process Contest, in 1987. He is the auhor or co-author of several texts on European Law, Competition Law and Consumer Credit Law, and frequently he is also a lecturer, on the same topics, in Portugal, Spain and Brazil.