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Frederico Andrade Siegel Master Examination
On the 31st of August 2015 in Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI, in Santa Catarina, Brazil, Frederico Andrade Siegel student of the double degree Master in European Union (UMinho) and Master in Juridical Science of the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI, Santa Catarina, Brazil, presented and defended his thesis on "Incapacidade para o trabalho no direito da proteção social: perspetiva brasileira e europeia". The jury was composed by four members, two of UMinho and two other from the academic staff of UNIVALI. The jury appointed was composed by Prof. Alessandra Silveira (UMinho), Prof. Alessandra Silveira (UMinho), Prof. José Antônio Savaris (UNIVALI), Prof. Pedro Froufe (UMinho), and Prof. Clovis Demarchi (UNIVALI). The applicant was approved by unanimity and was given a grade of 17 (out of 20).
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