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Marco Filipe Carvalho Gonçalves

Assistant Professor at the School of Law of Minho University, lecturing the following Curriculum Units: Declarative and Procedural Law Civil Procedure Law Civil Executive. PhD of Legal Sciences by Minho University, with the following PhD thesis "Unjustified precautionary measures and responsibility of the applicant", unanimously approved (June 2014). Master of Judiciary Law University of Minho, with a final grade of 17 (October 2009). Law degree from the University of Minho, with a final grade of 16 (July 2004). Has the following courses of postgraduate training: Practice Administrative Procedure (November / December 2005), Registries and Notaries (October / November 2005), Practical Procedure for offenses against (October / November 2005), Criminal Procedural Practices (September / October 2005), Civil Procedural Practices (September / October 2005), Consumer Law (June / July 2005) Practice and Procedure Labour Law (May / June 2005), organized by the Delegation of Guimarães Bar of lawyers. Participated as a speaker at various conferences subordinate to civil procedure. In the Master of Judiciary Law at the University Gregorio Semedo, Luanda, Angola, taught the module "Proof in Civil Procedure". Received the award "The new regime of executive action" given by the presentation of the research study entitled "The regime of the executive action: a critical perspective and lines of evolution" (Organizing Committee of the IX World Congress of Judiciary Law). Received, among others, Dr. Francisco Salgado Zenha award, for being the best student of the Undergraduate law course (1999-2004) of the University of Minho.
Author of the following publications:

- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho, "Notas sobre o regime transitório de aplicação do novo Código de Processo Civil", in Cadernos de Direito Privado, n.º 44, Outubro-Dezembro de 2013;

- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho e FERNANDEZ, Elizabeth, Código de Processo Civil e Legislação Complementar, 1.ª ed., AEDUM, 2013;

- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho, "As alterações no processo executivo: reforma ou contrareforma?", in Cadernos de Direito Privado, n.º 40, Outubro-Dezembro de 2012;

- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho, "Embargos de terceiro e terceiros para efeitos de registo", in Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Heinrich Ewald Hörster, Almedina, 2012, pp. 345-367;

- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho, Códigos Tributários, Wolters Kluwer, 2012;

- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho, Dicionário Jurisprudencial de Processo Civil, 6 Volumes, Coimbra Editora - grupo Wolters Kluwer, 2012;

- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho e FERNANDEZ, Elizabeth, Legislação Processual Civil, vol. I, 3.ª Edição, Coimbra Editora, 2011;

- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho, Embargos de Terceiro na Acção Executiva, Coimbra Editora - Wolters Kluwer, 2010;

- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho e FERNANDEZ, Elizabeth, Legislação Processual Civil, 2.ª Edição, Coimbra Editora, 2008; 

- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho e FERNANDEZ, Elizabeth, Direito Processual Civil Declarativo - A prática da teoria, Almedina, 2008;
- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho, Legislação de Diretio Fical, 3.ª Edição, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, 2007;
- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho e FERNANDEZ, Elizabeth, Direito Processual Civil Executivo - Casos Práticos Resolvidos, AEDUM, Braga, 2005;

- GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho e FERNANDEZ, Elizabeth, Direito Processual Civil Declarativo - Casos Práticos Resolvidos, AEDUM, Braga, 2005;

- ROCHA, Joaquim Freitas e GONÇALVES, Marco Carvalho, Direito Fiscal - Elementos de Apoio, 1.ª Edição, AEDUM, Braga, 2004.

He is a lawyer and was admitted to the Portuguese Bar of Lawyers in 2006.

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