Luís Gonçalves is a Professor at the Law School of the University of Minho. He was its President from 2002 to 2008. He is the President of the Law School's Council. He collaborates in post-graduate courses at the Law Schools of the University of Coimbra, the University of Lisbon and the University of Corunha (Spain). He was the Director of the Journal "Cadernos de Direito Privado". He was part of the Editorial Council of the Journal "Revista de Direito Intelectual" of the Portuguese Association of Copyright Law. He is a member of the Scientific Council and the Editorial Council of the Journal "Actas de Derecho Industrial" of the Institute of Industrial Law of the University of Santiago de Compostela. He was the President of the Foundation Carlos Lloyd Braga, created by the University of Minho. He is part of the Advisory Board of Braga's Legal Association. He is author of about sixty publications, eight of which are monographs.
Some of his publications are:
- Industrial Property Law Textbook, 5th edition, Almedina, Coimbra, 2014. - "Property Law", in Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia Comentada, (Coord., Alessandra Silveira e Mariana Canotilho), Almedina, 2013, pp. 221 e ss. - "Intellectual Property and Contract Law", em (AA.VV.) Crossroads of Intellectual Property - Intersection of Intellectual Property and Others Fields of Law (Ana Ramalho/Christina Angelopoulos, Editors), Nova, NY, USA, 2012, pp. 49 e ss. - Copyright Contracts and Industrial Property Law - (Organizers, Carlos Ferreira de Almeida, Luís Couto Gonçalves, Cláudia Trabuco), Almedina, 2011 (collective book). - "Industrial Property in the European Union", in Direito da União Europeia e Transnacionalidade (AA.VV), coord. Alessandra Silveira, Quid Juris, Lisboa, 2010, pp. 227 e ss. - Industrial Property Code Annotated (scientific coordinator), Almedina, Coimbra, 2010.