Within the scope of Prof. Alessandra Silveira's Jean Monnet Chair, director of CEDU, and taking into account the commitments made to the European Commission (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency), in late July / 2014 was launched a bilingual electronic Law Journal, free access, peer reviewed (blind referee system), called UNIO - EU Law Journal (www.unio.cedu.direito.uminho.pt).
Due to the language barrier Portuguese research in European Union law is usually unknown outside Portugal. Most Portuguese authors publish few works in English and find it difficult to enter primary European academic circuits. However, there are many high-quality Portuguese works on EU law. As a bilingual review, UNIO aims to promote and disseminate the work of Portuguese researchers abroad, as well as to publish the works of researchers from different parts of the world, especially from the Lusophone context. Thus we are contributing to the development of a scientific and academic network in the field of EU law. UNIO accepts original articles, in English only, which are not being evaluated in another context at the time of submission.
UNIO's inaugural edition texts (number 0, non peer reviewed) were published in English and Portuguese and are available in "archive"/"file". These articles correspond to some of the papers presented at the Colloquium in honor of Judge Cunha Rodrigues entitled "The role of the courts in the construction of Union law" - which took place as part of celebrations of the twentieth anniversary of the School of Law in May 28, 2013.
UNIO's direction unconditionally thanks the Master's and Doctoral students included in the Journal's "Editorial Support" - with a special thanks to the committed Dr. Joana Whyte. A special thanks to Prof. Luís Gonçalves and Prof. Maria Miguel Carvalho, as well as the Vice-Rector José Mendes and TecMinho, for their commitment to the registration of UNIO - EU Law Journal as a Community trade mark.
Annex: call for papers for the first (peer-reviewed) edition of UNIO scheduled for the first trimester of 2015.