In July of 2017, was approved a Jean Monnet Project under the subject "EU Digital Single Market as a political calling: interoperability as the way forward", whose acronym is "INTEROP".
The project, to be developed within the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair - which is held by Professor Alessandra Silveira, Director of the CEDU (Centre for Studies in European Union Law) - will be carried out by a team of researchers from the same Centre: coordinator, Professor Alessandra Silveira; in charge of the scientific component, Professor Joana Covelo de Abreu and also by Professors Pedro Froufe and Sophie Perez.
The project will last 24 months and was selected from 1177 applications submitted to the EACEA (Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency), having received the classification of 91 points out of 100 possible. In the criterion "quality of the team" obtained 24,5 in 25 points.
The project is based on the study of the Digital Single Market as a primary public interest for the European Union and intends to test the state-of-the-art of implementing administrative interoperability solutions at a later stage to test new forms of interoperability, taking account, in particular, its material, fundamental and judicial component, with reference to the simplified procedures for recovery of claims to be carried out within the European Union's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.
Activities held in the context of this project:
CEDU organises an activity on "The EU and the Digital Single Market"
Alessandra Silveira and Sophie Perez, researchers on the INTEROP project, took part in the debate on the Digital Single Market organized by the Representation of the European Commission in Portugal
INTEROP represented at the XIII International Scientific Conference, promoted by the Jean Piaget University of Angola
INTEROP discussed in the thematic pannel in the VII International Meeting of CONPEDI
Joana Covelo de Abreu represents INTEROP in Brussels in the Jean Monnet Biennel Conference and kick-off meeting
INTEROP researchers participate in the 1st Annual Conference of the Permanent Forum for Digital Competencies of INCoDe.2030
Joana Covelo de Abreu is appointed to incorporate a group of experts from the European Commission's Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers
Seminar "Data Protection in the Interoperability Era - Challenges and Perspectives» within the INTEROP Project
INTEROP - Seminar Series "Sustainability and Digitization: Fundamental Rights and Public Policies"
Minho's Academy invited to participate in the conference "Democracia 4.0- O Futuro da Democracia na Era Digital" (Lisbon, 8 May)
Conference "Democracia4.0 - O futuro da democracia na era digital" (Lisbon, 8 May 2018)
Workshop Fashion industry, digital world and competition law: where does the EU stand?
INTEROP Seminar - "A interoperabilidade na União de Segurança"
Seminar "Estado, Constituição e Tecnologia: o fim do Estado de Direito(?)"
Alessandra Silveira and Sophie Perez, researchers in the INTEROP project, participated in the Seminar "O sequestro da democracia", held at the Center for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra
INTEROP members participate in the radio program "O Estado de União" (a partnership between Europe Direct do Minho, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho)
INTEROP's Members participate in the Meeting with Science
"The State of the Union" radio program (a partnership between Europe Direct do Minho, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on the Single Digital Market - July 27 at 7:15 p.m.
Professor Alessandra Silveira participated in the XXVII National Meeting of CONPEDI
Conferences addressed by Alessandra Silveira in Brazil (August/September 2018)
Alessandra Silveira's activities in the University of Brasília (UnB), Brazil (August/September 2018)
PARLAMENTELSIUM 4th Edition receives the campaign of voting awareness to the European elections of 2019 - Room B1 Building 2
Publication of the E-book of the IV International Hispano-Luso-Brazilian Seminar on Fundamental Rights and Public Policies
Prof. Alessandra Silveira talks about protection of personal data for magistrates
Call for Papers: Jean Monnet Project INTEROP Final Conference - Round Table of Young Researchers
INTEROP - Seminar "Justice and Democracy: Fundamental Rights and Public Policy in the Digital Age"
Final Conference - Jean Monnet Project "INTEROP"
Professor Alessandra Silveira, scientific coordinator of the Jean Monnet Project INTEROP "EU Digital Single Market as a political calling: interoperability as the way forward" participated in the 90 Seconds of Science program, from Antena 1
Professors Alessandra Silveira and Joana Abreu present INTEROP results in Bilbao, Universidad de Deusto
Prof. Dr. Alessandra Silveira and Prof. Dr. Joana Covelo de Abreu participate in the XXIX World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law & Social Philosophy - Lucerne 7-12 July 2019
INTEROP seminars on the judicial application of European Union law
UNIO ebook INTEROP 2019 marks the engagement of young researchers in the Jean Monnet INTEROP Project
30th Anniversary Commemorative Conference of Jean Monnet Activities | Brussels | November 2019