Radio program "The State of the Union" (a Europe Direct do Minho partnership, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on "The functioning of justice in the European Union"
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct partnership by Minho, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on "The new priorities of the European Commission"
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30th Years of Jean Monnet Activities | Commemorative Conference | Brussels | November 2019
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ICON-S Italian Chapter Conference "New Technology and the Future of Public Rights" | Florence | November 2019
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct partnership by Minho, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on "EU economic, social and territorial cohesion"
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30 years of Regional Policy: the impact on the Minho region
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CEDU attended the II International Congress of Young Researchers on the European Union
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UNIO ebook INTEROP 2019 marks the engagement of young researchers in the Jean Monnet INTEROP Project
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Prof. Dr. Alessandra Silveira and Prof. Dr. Joana Covelo de Abreu participate in the XXIX World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law & Social Philosophy - Lucerne 7-12 July 2019
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Members of the INTEROP project intervene in the "V Conference on Human Rights"
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Professor Alessandra Silveira participates in the debate "The European Parliament and I"
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Europe's Day in Braga
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CEDU researcher participates in the "Europe's Week" at Colégio do Ave in Guimarães
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct partnership of Minho, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) commemorating the "Day of Europe" on "The European Union and higher education"
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Professor Alessandra Silveira, scientific coordinator of the Jean Monnet Project INTEROP "EU Digital Single Market as a political calling: interoperability as the way forward" participated in the 90 Seconds of Science program, from Antena 1
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct partnership of Minho, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) commemorating the "Europe Day" on "The European Union and higher education"
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CEDU promotes a visit to the CJEU
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct do Minho partnership, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on "The European Parliament and the European elections"
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Awareness session on the European elections - CEDU/APDE initiative
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Call for Papers: Jean Monnet Project INTEROP Final Conference - Round Table of Young Researchers
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UMinho EU law students had a class on "Multilingualism and Law: a professional opportunity" lectured by legal-linguists from the CJEU
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct do Minho partnership, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on "European Union and European Citizens"
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct do Minho partnership, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on "The European Political Community"
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UNIO - EU Law Journal was chosen for the launch of UMinho Editora
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Prof. Alessandra Silveira talks about protection of personal data for magistrates
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct do Minho partnership, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on EU environmental and energy policy
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct Minho partnership, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on "The Single Market and Fundamental Rights"
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Professors Nuno Piçarra and Sophie Perez take up their duties at the Court of Justice of the European Union (Luxembourg)
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"State of the Union" radio program (a Europe Direct do Minho partnership, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on President Juncker's speech "The hour of European sovereignty"
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Presentation of the "Roadmap for Portuguese Family Businesses"
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Professor Alessandra Silveira participated in the XXVII National Meeting of CONPEDI
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"The State of the Union" radio program (a partnership between Europe Direct do Minho, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho) on the Single Digital Market - July 27 at 7:15 p.m.
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INTEROP members participate in the radio program "O Estado de União" (a partnership between Europe Direct do Minho, Antena Minho, Correio do Minho)
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INTEROP's Members participate in the Meeting with Science
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CEDU promotes a visit to the CJEU
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Alessandra Silveira and Sophie Perez, researchers in the INTEROP project, participated in the Seminar "O sequestro da democracia", held at the Center for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra
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Seminar "Estado, Constituição e Tecnologia: o fim do Estado de Direito(?)"
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Larissa Coelho, CEDU researcher, by invitation of the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France) collaborated at the 1ère Colloque droit et développement - CIDROIT
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INTEROP Seminar - "A interoperabilidade na União de Segurança"
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Members of CEDU, participate in conferences on data protection in the same week the General Regulation is applied
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Tiago Sérgio Cabral, CEDU researcher and master's student in EU Law, selected for an internship in the Azores EU office in Brussels.
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Conference "Democracia4.0 - O futuro da democracia na era digital" (Lisbon, 8 May 2018)
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Joana Whyte, CEDU researcher, participates in the "European Distribution Law Day" in Brussels
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Workshop Fashion industry, digital world and competition law: where does the EU stand?
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Sophie Perez Fernandes, CEDU researcher, on teaching assignment at Università degli Studi di Verona
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Andreia Cunha de Oliveira, CEDU researcher, holder of a Master's Degree in European Union Law from the University of Minho, is doing an internship in the field of Data Protection at the European Agency eu-LISA
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Minho's Academy invited to participate in the conference "Democracia 4.0- O Futuro da Democracia na Era Digital" (Lisbon, 8 May)
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Tiago Sérgio Cabral, CEDU Researcher, gave an interview to the Danish newspaper Weekendavisen
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Joana Covelo de Abreu participates in the 3rd meeting of the group of experts promoted by the European Commission
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Sergio Maia Tavares Marques, CEDU's researcher, participated in the conference "Constitutional Challenges in the EMU: the New Instruments of the European Economic Governance"
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Ana Isabel Rego has completed a winter internship in the Competition and EU Department of VdA Advogados
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Seminar "A way to 'Brexit' or 'Breversal'" | Presentation of the Encyclopaedia of the European Union
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Pedro Madeira Froufe is speaker in a conference about data protection
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CEDU Researcher João Ferreira invited to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
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CEDU, CICP e CEDIS launch the "Enciclopédia da União Europeia"
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INTEROP researchers participate in the 1st Annual Conference of the Permanent Forum for Digital Competencies of INCoDe.2030
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Joana Covelo de Abreu is appointed to incorporate a group of experts from the European Commission's Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers
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Joana Covelo de Abreu represents INTEROP in Brussels in the Jean Monnet Biennel Conference and kick-off meeting
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INTEROP represented at the XIII International Scientific Conference, promoted by the Jean Piaget University of Angola
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Alessandra Silveira and Sophie Perez, researchers on the INTEROP project, took part in the debate on the Digital Single Market organized by the Representation of the European Commission in Portugal
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CEDU organises an activity on "The EU and the Single Digital Market"
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A team of EU Law Teachers of UMinho will develop an INTEROP project
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Ana Filipa Afonseca, Collaborating Member of CEDU, was selected to participate in the Advanced Training Course for European Negotiation organized by MEP Professor Maria João Rodrigues
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CEDU presented a collective book "European Union: reform or downfall", coordinated by Prof. Eduardo Paz Ferreira
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Pedro Madeira Froufe is elected to the Superior Council of Justice by the National Assembly
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Course on EU Law in practice
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Marco Aurélio Oliveira de Jesus Master Examination
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Activities with the scientific support of CEDU are highlights in the Brazilian Research Agency
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Members of CEDU join the course Borders and the Law without borders: migration, foreign and globalisation, of CEJ, Lisbon
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Joana Whyte, Collaborating Member of CEDU, took part in the Prison Systems seminars organised by the Portuguese Bar Association
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CEDU's members take part in the "II Encuentro Internacional de la RED Justicia, Derecho, Constitución y Proceso", Santa Fé, Argentina
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CEDU's members take part in the debate "Los fondos buitre" in Buenos Aires University, Argentina
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Joana Whyte, collaborating member of CEDU, was selected to join the II Course of Advanced European Negotiation organised by the MEP Prof. Maria João Rodrigues
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Presentation of the book "Interculturalidade, Interconstitucionalidade, Interdisciplinaridade"
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City Hall of Guimarães approves a Vote of Praise to Filipa Fernandes, CEDU's researcher, for her accomplishment in the Jacques Delors Prize
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Collaborating Members of CEDU take part in the International Conference DAAD-Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa, at Munster University
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CEDU's Director participated in the seminar of the European Commission's network of independent experts on Free Movement of Workers (FreSsco)
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Director of CEDU takes part in II Jornadas Internacionais dos Jovens Advogados organized by the Instituto de Apoio aos Jovens Advogados
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Director of CEDU participates in II Congresso Internacional de Direitos da Personalidade, Unicesumar, Maringá/Paraná, Brazil
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Director of CEDU teaches "Aula Magna" in Escola Paulista de Direito, São Paulo/Brazil
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Lucrezia Calabrese Master Examination
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Paulo Eduardo Farah Master Examination
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Rafael Bruning Master Examination
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Evandro Volmar Rizzo Master Examination
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Marco Aurélio Ghisi Machado Master Examination
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Maíra Martins Crespo Master Examination
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CEDU researchers in Aula Magna of the Course of International Relations of UNIVALI, Brazil
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António Baggio e Ubaldo Master Examination
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Camilha Coelho Master Examination
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Thiago Fachin Master Examination
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Sercio Ribeiro Catafesta Master Examination
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Everson Luis Matoso Master Examination
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Leila Mara da Silva Master Examination
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Fernando Rodrigo Busarello Master Examination
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Frederico Andrade Siegel Master Examination
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Paula Botke e Silva Master Examination
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Master in European Union Law of UMinho takes part in jury of double degree Master with UNIVALI, Brazil
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Professor Pedro Froufe, Integrated Member of CEDU, invited to several Media initiatives
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Filipa do Carmo Almeida Santos Silva Master Examination
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CEDU's Director as Visiting Professor in the University of Verona
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CEDU's director lectures at Sapienza University in Rome
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Helga Fabíola Vagueira da Fonseca Farela's Master Examination
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Joana Rita Covelo Abreu's PhD Examination
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For the 4th consecutive time, CEDU wins the Prize Jacques Delors - Better Academic Studies on European Union themes
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Daniela Marques Cardoso, CEDU's collaborating member, earned the prize Portugal-Europa 30 anos
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Margarida Santos, CEDU's integrated member, was a guest of the TV Show "Jornal 2" (RTP June 6 2015) in regard to the possible modification of the coercive measure applied to José Sócrates
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Margarida Santos' PhD Examination
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Flávia Loureiro's PhD Examination
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Joana Sousa Domingues, Master Student of the Master in European Union Law, won the contest "As 24 línguas da União Europeia: desafios e potencialidades"
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CEDU's Director participates in "II Jornadas - O direito e o idoso" at Guimarães Court of Appeal
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CEDU's Director lectures a seminar to the students of the Master in Law of Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais/Brazil
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CEDU's Director attends the "I Encontro Nacional de Dirigentes da OAB, IV Encontro Regional dos Advogados, I Encontro Jurídico Interinstitucional e I Encontro Regional de Docentes de Ensino Jurídico", Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
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Jorge Miguel Ribeiro, CEDU's collaborating member, was invited, on April 28, to the TVShow "Mentes que Brilham" of Porto Canal
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CEDU's Director writes an article for Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias (issue April 29 - May 12)
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CEDU's Director participates in activities organized by the Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde
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Joana Whyte, CEDU's Collaborating Member, participated in the Conference "Transnational Crimes: Portuguese Reality"
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Daniela Cardoso, CEDU's Collaborating Member, is undertakes an internship at the European Commission in Brussels
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CEDU promotes Conferences in partnership with Porto's Bar of Lawyers District Council
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Maria Ana Prelada Ferraz PhD Examination
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Partnership Competiton Observatory / CEDU delivered a colective action at Lisbon's Court against Sport TV for breach of competition law
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CEDU's Director participated in "VI Xornadas sobre Dereito Actual", Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (2015/03/26)
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CEDU's members participated in I CONJIL - Legal Congress of Lusophone Researchers (University of Porto, 13 and March 14, 2015)
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Rui do Carmo, CEDU's Collaborating Member, started activities in the European Commission in Brussels
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EDUM organizes colloquium entitled "Mortgage and economic and social crisis - the new EU Directive"
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CEDU's Director participated in the TV program Sociedade Civil concerning the issue of prejudice in Europe - 2015/03/09
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Joana Whyte Participated in International Conference Archibald Reiss Days held at the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade, Serbia
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Professor Alessandra Silveira was moderator in the round table on freedom of expression organized by the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto (2015/02/16)
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CEDU's Director interviewed by Jornal de Notícias on 2015/02/07 concerning Schengen and terrorism
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Lionaldo Adonis Teresa Danfá LL.M Defense
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CEDU's Director participated in the round table/cine forum "El cine como herramienta didáctica en la enseñanza del derecho" (2015/1/26), University of Granada
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Catarina Maria Amaral Basto LL.M Defense
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PhD Examination of Gemma Perez Souto
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Professor Alessandra Silveira participated in the V International Colloquium Macrofilosófico - University of Barcelona
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CEDU's Director participated in the largest Brazilian Congress in the area of law organized by CAPES (2014/11/07)
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Christoph Gil Balsemão Hagenlocher LL.M Defense
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Professor Sofia Oliveira Pais, CEDU's Collaborating Member, received a Jean Monnet Chair
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Leonor Amaro Gonçalves Vieira LL.M Defense
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Joana Whyte, CEDU's Collaborating Member, is participating at the Fourth Doctoral Seminar on European Law
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Professor Marco Filipe Carvalho Gonçalves PhD
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Joint European Master - Law and Policies of European Integration
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Alessandra Silveira participates, through videoconference, in the International Colloquium "Human Rights and Democracy" organized by Open University, Lisbon
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Master in European Union Law by EDUM received a Honorable Mention in Jacques Delors 2013 Award - Best Academic Study on European Subjects
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CEDU's Members participated in the Specializing Course "Administrative Law Themes" organized by the Centre of Judiciary Studies (CEJ)
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CEDU's Members participate in "Agenda Política Europeia para as TIC: um futuro de oportunidades?"
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CEDU's Director lectures "Excellence Lecture" in the Post-Graduate Program on Juridical Sciences ate UNICESUMAR, Maringá/Paraná, Brazil
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CEDU's Director lectures on the federalizing process in Europe at Anhembi-Morumbi University (São Paulo, Brazil)
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CEDU's director participates in the I International Congress on Financial Law (São Paulo, Brazil) organized by Paulista Society of Financial Law and São Paulo's Autonomous Faculty of Law (FADISP)
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CEDU's Members participate in the "Methodological doctoral Seminars" at Barcelona Autonomous University
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Joana Whyte, a CEDU's Collaborating Member, participated in the Fourth ECLAN PhD Seminar on the Area of Criminal Justice which took place at Queen Mary University of London on 8th and 9th May 2014
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Recent commentary on the book "Citizenship and Solidarity in the European Union: from the Charter of Fundamental Rights to the Crisis, the state of the art"
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Pedro Froufe and Patrícia Jerónimo, CEDU's members, participate in the debate "Which democracy do we want for the European Union?"
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Filipa Fernandes', CEDU's Collaborating Member, Sousa Franco European award in the Newspapers
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Joana de Castro Ribeiro, CEDU's Collaborating Member, is undertaking an internship at the Luxembourg University Centre de Droit Européen
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Ana Margarida Estelita LL.M Defense
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Ana Margarida Marques Pereira LL.M Defense
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Pedro Daniel Sousa Cruz LL.M Defense
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CEDU's Members collaborated in Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation (FFMS) "Direitos e Deveres de Cidadania" portal
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Alexandra Araújo, CEDU's integrated member, receives a CAPES scholarship to undertake a post-PhD in Brazil
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Professor Anabela Gonçalves PhD, CEDU's Integrated member, 29th Annual Bileta Conference, East Anglia University
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Margarida Pereira, CEDU's collaborating member, starts and internship at VdA Law Firm
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Filipa Almeida Santos, CEDU's collaborating member, undertakes an internship at EuroFinUse in Brussels
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Filipa Fernandes, Master in European Union Law (Minho University Law School), was awarded Sousa Franco European Award
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Alessandra Silveira, CEDU's Director, and Joana Rita Abreu, CEDU's Collaborating Member, were speakers in the International Conference "Shattering Iberia - cultural responses to an ongoing crisis", in the University of California
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III Forum on Child Abuse (European Perspective)
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International Colloquium "Citizenship and solidarity in the European Union: from the Charter of Fundamental Rights to the crisis, the state of the art" contributions published by Peter Lang Publisher
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CEDU organizes workshop "Interconstitutionality: theory and hermeneutics" within the project FCT-CAPES
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CEDU promotes open lecture with Prof. João Maurício Adeodato (Pernambuco's Federal University)
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Minho University Law School organizes an International Congress "Direito na Lusofonia"
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Sophie Perez participates in a Project about the European elections
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CEDU promotes Seminars in partnership with the LLM European and Transglobal Business Law
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Prof. Alessandra Silveira, participated in Braga's Civitas Association "Citizenship meetings"
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CEDU organized a workshop on "Interconstitutionality: citizenship and fundamental rights in times of crisis" whitin the Project FCT-CAPES
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CEDU promoted Seminars under the Portuguese-Brazilian Cooperation Project
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CEDU organized a workshop on "Interconstitutionality and regional integration - a lusophone perspective" within the project FCT-CAPES
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Sophie Perez, CEDU's collaborating member, participated in the Seminar "More Citizenship for All: 2014 European Elections"
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Professor Pedro Madeira Froufe, CEDU's integrated member, published an opinion article
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Professor Anabela Gonçalves PhD, CEDU's Integrated member, participated as a speaker in the 5th Journal of Private International Law Conference
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Professor Anabela Gonçalves PhD, CEDU's integrated member, participated in the 11th International Conference Cyberspace 2013
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CFREU Commentary Presentation made the news in Diário do Minho Newspaper
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CFREU Commentary Presentation made the news at Porto Canal
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Prof. Alessandra Silveira was interviewed by Radio Justiça (Brazilia Supreme Federal Court)
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CEDU's Director interviewed by "Correio da Paraíba" Newspaper (João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil)
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Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights Presentation
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Professor Alessandra Silveira, CEDU's Director, is going to participate in the colloquium "European Citizenship: Values, Rights and Opportunities", on 19 October at Catholic Portuguese University Law School
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Professor Alessandra Silveira and young CEDU researchers participated in Brasília University, (UnB), Federal District, Brazil, activities
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Professor Alessandra Silveira (CEDU) and Professor Marcílio Franca (Paraíba Federal University) lecture in the short course "Contemporary Problems of European Constitutionalism"
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CEDU's Junior researchers participated in activities in São Paulo, Brazil
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CEDU's Director participated in Paulista Law School - EPD (São Paulo/SP Brazil)
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CEDU'S Director participates in the celebration of the Law Degree of Rio Branco Integrated Faculties (São Paulo/SP Brazil) 10 year anniversary
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Alessandra Silveira, Joana Abreu and Sophie Fernandes participated in activities at Vale do Itajaí University (UNIVALI), Santa Catarina, Brazil
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Professor Alessandra Silveira participated on a Conference in Universidade Portucalense
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Seminar on Intellectual Property at Minho University
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Professor Alessandra Silveira, CEDU's Director, participated in the 2013 Summer Seminar
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CEDU's Members participated in the Symposium "Diritti fondamentali, libertà religiosa e multiculturalismo" in Università Europea di Roma
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Commentary of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
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Professor Alessandra Silveira's, CEDU's Director, Jean Monnet Chair in JN newspaper
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CEDU's Integrated Member PhD Prof. Anabela Gonçalves, published her PhD Thesis
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4th Study Tour / Training Internship in the CJEU
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Luís Lemos Triunfante's book presentation: "A cooperação judiciária europeia em matéria penal"
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Sophie Perez Fernandes, CEDU's collaborating member, interviewed in RTP 1
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CEDU's members participated in Europe's day commemorative reception at Mosteiro dos Jerónimos
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CEDU's Members - Training at the Guimarães Delegation of the Bar of Lawyers
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2012 Jacques Delors Prize awarding public ceremony to Sophie Perez Fernandes
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Debating Europe Journal - Call For Papers
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2013-2015 FCT/ CAPES Scientific and Technological Cooperation
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CEDU's Director participates on the X Jornadas sobre la Constitución Europea
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CEDU's Institutional Partnerships with Law Firms
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Publication of Jacques Delors Award Dissertation by Sophie Perez Fernandes
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Virgílio Pereira, CEDU's Collaborating Member, wins the "Dr. Francisco Salgado Zenha" Award
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Professor Alessandra Silveira and Joana Rita Abreu (PhD researcher) were guests in the activity called "Round Table" promoted by APDE
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CEDU / Minho's University Team is one of the 48 teams selected in/for the 2013 European Law Moot Court Competition
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Joana Dias does an in-service training in the European Commission
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Filipa Fernandes Master Dissertation defense, CEDU's Collaborating Member
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Professor Pedro Madeira Froufe wrote in the "Semanário Grande Porto" 14th December 2012, an opinion article called "Porreiro Pá"
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CEDU Members awarded in the AEDUM's VII Gala
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CEDU promotes a Seminar on Judicial Cooperation on Civil and Commercial matters
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Professor Alessandra Silveira writes an article to the Portuguese Bar Association Review
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CEDU Members in the Jean Monnet Conference/ECSA World Conference 2012, Brussels
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CEDU Members lectured in the Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
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Professor Alessandra Silveira, Director of CEDU, in the TV Show "Mentes que Brilham", of Porto Canal Network
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CEDU Researchers support portuguese judges
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Anabela Gonçalves, CEDU's Integrated Member, invited to be present in international events
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Institutional Partnership
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LL.M Defense of Graça Vasconcelos, CEDU's Collaborating Member
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LL.M Defense of Rosa Tching, CEDU's Collaborating Member
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Sophie Perez Fernandes, CEDU's Collaborating Member, wins the 2012 Edition of the Jacques Delors Award "Best Academic Study about European Union Themes"
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Professor Alessandra Silveira, CEDU's Director, is the holder of the Jean Monnet's Chair in European Union Law
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PhD Training School under COST Action 1003
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3rd Study Tour / Internship Internship in the CJEU
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Presentation of the portuguese report of FIDE, in the XXV FIDE Congress, Tallinn, Estonia
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3rd Simutated Hearing of the CJEU - Minho's Section
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LL.M Defense of Sophie Perez Fernandes
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Press Release - "Citizenship and Solidarity in the European Union"
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LL.M defense of Ana Filipa Duarte Pereira Campos Gonçalves
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CEDU's Director and Collaborating Members participated in an International Seminar organised by Autonomous University of Barcelona
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Professor Anabela Susana de Sousa Gonçalves PhD
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LLM defense of Maria Emília Salgado Vieira da Silva
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CEDU promotes PhD Trainign School in the context of COST Actions
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CEDU / University of Minho's Team is one of the 48 teams selected in the European Law Moot Court Competition 2012
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Sophie Perez Fernandes, CEDU's collaborating member, does an internship in the Court of Justice
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LLM defense of José Manuel Cabrita Vieira e Cunha
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Prof. Pedro Froufe's Opinion Article - Europe is riding a bike
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Virgílio Pereira awarded with the Best Student 2009/ 2010 Prize
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LLM defense of Joana Whyte
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Prof. José Luís da Cruz Vilaça, Member of CEDU's Comission of Scientific Monitoring, was appointed by the portuguese government to be the new judge in the Court of Justice
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Honorable Mention atributted to Sophie Perez Fernandes on the António Sousa Franco European Prize
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Pedro Madeira Froufe designated to the Conselho Superior da Magistratura
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Publication of Joana Rita de Sousa Covelo de Abreu's Dissertation
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Master Mariana Canotilho in the first PhD Training School - COST Action 1003
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Participation of Prof. Alessandra Silveira in the II Jean Monnet Workshop
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Honorable Mention atributed to Master Mariana Canotilho under Jacques Delors Prize 2011
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Collaborating Members of CEDU have their application to the FCT doctoral grant accepted
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Professor Pedro Froufe's Opinion Article - emission of Eurobonds
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CEDU's members participated in the Annual Conference of the European Union Studies Association Asia-Pacific (EUSA) 2013 in Macau, on 17 and 18 May 2013
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Judge António Alberto Ribeiro Rodrigues Invested as President of Guimarães' Court of Appeal
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Mariana Canotilho distinguished with an Honorable Mention in the 2011 Edition of the Jacques Delors' Award
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Court of Justice Simulated Hearing - Minho Section - 2nd Edition
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An Interview CEDU'S Director, Professor Alessandra Silveira, in the third edition of 'Linhas Tortas'
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CEDU takes part in the "Jornal Diário de Notícias" educational project 'N@escolas'
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Professor Kees van Raad University of Minho's Law School
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CEDU participates in the XXV FIDE (International Federation of EU Law) Congress.
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European Comission Representation in Portugal and CEDU promote the release of the book "Direito da União Europeia e Transnacionalidade"
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Participation of the Team Schiller, Beethoven & Associates in the European Law Moot Court Competition 2010/ 2011
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Dr. Joana Rita Abreu LLM Defence
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